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I have a kink that most would find odd, but I love seeing men in lacy trimmed stockings. Seeing their toned legs move and strain under the material just makes my cunt quiver and ache. I wonder if there are blokes out there who would be fine with lett...
ManchesterManchester, City of Manchesterlocation_on
Female | 36 | Straight
I love street foods. When I go on a date, I love being taken to the best food stall that serve a scrummy burrito. I was once introduced to it by a colleague, and to cut the story short, I started to like it. What I really love about is first, it's be...
CoventryCoventry, Coventrylocation_on
Female | 38 | Straight
If you want the comfort of beautiful lies and ego-pleasing deception, then I am not the lass for you. I am a very straightforward lady who is not afraid to speak her mind, especially when my man doesn't know how to give me the pleasure I deserve.
SheffieldSheffield, Sheffieldlocation_on
Female | 35 | Straight
I can make you forget all about the past partners you've ever had. When it comes to shagging, I could give you everything you want and more. If you want me to prove what I mean then leave me a message, I promise you're not going to be disappointed.
SheffieldSheffield, Sheffieldlocation_on
Female | 42
It's embarrassing to admit but I still have my collection of Winnie the Pooh plushies on my shelves. I've had them since I was a little girl and could not fathom having to part with them. Though they also have witness a lot of my cheeky deeds, but th...
GlasgowGlasgow, Glasgow Citylocation_on
Female | 29 | Straight
There was a time when all the lads in the pub line up just to get a peek of me. I miss all the attention I got when I was younger. If only I am half as beautiful as I was before, men will still fuck me without any hesitation. For me, the saddest thin...
BasingstokeBasingstoke, Hampshirelocation_on
Female | 38